1. as usual, my body doesnt seem to want to cooperate with the happiness plan. All kinds of problems. Then, for almost 48 hours, I had restless legs so bad I couldnt even sit at the computer. I had to stand, walk, etc. I got about 3 hours of sleep two nights in a row. By Saturday night, my brain couldnt even function because of sleep deprivation. It's funny how rls (restless legs syndrome) works. The more tired you are, the worse the rls gets. But the worse the rls, the less you can sleep, so you get even more exhausted which makes the rls worse, which makes you more exhausted....... you get the picture. Finally, Sat night, I actually fell asleep and got a regular night's sleep.
2. Yesterday we had to finish raking leaves. Katie and Connor volunteered to help over Thanksgiving weekend, but of course, it rained most of the time so we couldnt rake. They left Sat morning and by Sat afternoon, it was sunny and beautiful. So we had to finish the raking alone. Bah!
3. Sit down for this one. It's really bad. My sewing machine is in the shop for cleaning, adjusting, etc. It has been there for a week, just stitting in the queue. And he wont get to it until next week sometime. I could have been using it all this time. But no....it has to sit in the store, just to stay in the queue. I am suffering severe sewing withdrawl. I try hand quilting, etc which helps. And I've cut out pieces for 2 quilts. Now I just need my machine.
1. BYU won the annual BYU vs. U of U football game. We were able to watch the game (instead of listening to it on the computer). Brad and Keva Cochran (ward members) invited us to come watch at their home. They had family in town and everyone was a rabid BYU fan. So that made it even more fun.
2. This weekend, I made some major contributions to the economy, especially on Black Friday. Got some incredible deals. Got most of my Christmas shopping done. Didnt deal with many large crowds or lines. It was all good.
3. I used a gift card (from one of my 5th grade students when I left) to purchase a blender thingy (like magic bullet, but Cooks brand). With the huge holiday sale, and a customer satisfaction coupon, and my gift card, it only cost $1.76! I'm excited to use it. Hope it works as well as I expect it to.
4. I finished quilting (on the longarm) 9 quilts for other people. I should make about $750 on them. Which is being used to buy some more expensive craft and sewing items. Items that I want but dont need. So I use quilting money.
5. On Thanksgiving we went to see the movie, Blind Side. It was so good. The rest of the day I felt uplifted and happy.
6. Earlier that day, we had Thanksgiving at the church. Every year, I organize a potluck Thanksgiving for families in the ward who want to share Thanksgiving with others, but don't have family near by. We had about 35 people this year. No one wanted to bring turkey this year, so I had to do it. I was pretty nervous that the turkey would be dry and awful, and that I would ruin everyone's Thanksgiving. But I used the huge roaster that Bryce had given me for Xmas 2007, and the turkeys were perfect! YAY! Even my gravy turned out. Miracles do happen!
7. For the first time in nearly 30 years of marriage (I think for the first time), I have ideas for multiple gifts for Bryce for Christmas! He is impossible to buy for, but this year, I have like 4 good gifts. Exciting.
8. Our 30th Anniversary is coming up. But we have no idea of what plans to make for it. Sad stuff. ---- Maybe this should be on the worst list. (But how can you put info on 30 years of happiness on the worst list? You cant! So it is here.)