Sunday, September 20, 2009

Finally on the mend....


1. Sicker than a dog for 2 weeks, I had to teach 5th grade while on Vicocin most of the time. By Friday, even the vicodin couldnt control the pain. It was so bad.....trying to hide from the kids that I was in so much pain.

2. BYU's game against Florida State. What can I say that hasnt been said on facebook? It sucked the life out of me, minute by minute.

3. Because I've been sick, I have two weeks of work to catch up, errands, quilt gifts, letters, etc. Its hard to get motivated to do it all.

4, Jenna lost her job. I worry about her not having classes OR a job. I'm worried about depression that comes from having nothing to motivate a person. I have enough grey hair. I dont need any more.


1. On Friday, the Dr made things all better. I will spare the details. But by Friday evening, I had energy again. Saturday, I actually went grocery shopping, took Molly for an eye appt, and took her to buy glasses and sun glasses. That much activity is more than I've been doing the last two weeks combined.

2. I am more than a quarter done with my teaching. I've done one week of classroom set up, and two weeks of school/kids. I only have 6 weeks of kids left. And my class is a dream class. They are really amazing.

3. Visiting Teachers and a couple of friends brought us a meal the first week I was sick. Then Jen Bean brought the family a meal every night for the next week and a half. Every night! She is amazing. Amy Darger-Stewart looked out for me, drove me to and from school when I was too medicated to drive, ran errands for me and helped me out at school. These are two true friends. I am blessed to have them in my life.


  1. BYU game--no comment. I'm still crying inside.

    I'm so glad things are all better! yay yay yay! And that you're more than a quarter done with teaching (way to do your math right!). Yay for good friends and yummy meals. I love you mom!

  2. I'm so glad you are feeling better! I've been praying for you (and Jenna). :)

  3. Glad to hear you are on the mend...and sorry to hear about Jenn - I have been keeping my eyes out for a job opening for her.

  4. Phew. I'm so glad that is over for you. I can't believe you still taught. I would have laid in bed and moaned for the whole two weeks!

