Sunday, October 25, 2009

7-2 It must have been a good week.

1. Headaches are back in full force. Migraines that last days. With medication, I function, teach, etc. But the same medication that takes an edge off the pain also makes me dizzy and loopy. I'm not even feeling stressed right now. I cant figure it out.
2. My house is becoming less clean. I am actually looking forward to some time to do deep cleaning.
3. nothing else???

1. My school kids have been fabulous this last week, especially when I've been suffering from headaches. M-Th will be pretty easy days this week. Friday is halloween math, PE, art, and a long read-a-thon. Easy peasy lemon squeezy. Then I am done. I will love the free time, and time to accomplish much, but will miss (most of) the kids.
2. While still officially teaching, I have applied for some discount cards. Barnes and Noble, Virginia Science Museum, and will try for a couple more this week.
3. Next week, my first week off, I will attend a quilting retreat on Friday and Saturday. I am having fun anticipating endless quilting. I finished my homespun quilt this week (see pics on facebook since my computer wont let me download pics to the blog). I also made a super cute fabric box and started a purse.
4. I am reading "Three Cups of Tea" and loving it. I'm trying to convince Molly and her group of friends (who are starting a club to do service) to fundraise for this organization. Pennies are easy to collect.
5. Spartanfest was yesterday. I took Molly and two friends. I spent less $ than usual, got a new longarm quilting client, and also bought some cool stuff, including a long wooden board that says "Let us be silent that we may hear the whisper of God", a cool clipboard, notebook and mini scrapbook, fudge, etc. Next year, I am hoping to rent a booth and sell some quilts, maybe purses, and longarm quilting services.
6. I have signed up for Relay for Life walk. If you are able, I would love for you to contribute a little to my fundraising efforts. For years, I have helped fundraise for ACS (American Cancer Society). When I was a poor college student and diagnosed with choriocarsinoma, my insurance covered very little of our bills. The ACS gave us a grant to help with medical expenses. I have always been appreciative. This is another way to give back.
7. I bought a YUDU machine. To do silk screening (t-shirts, bags, etc). I am super excited. Used quilting money to do it.


  1. You amaze me - when I grow up, I want to be just like you! :)

  2. LOVED Three Cups of Tea. It was a great book! Good luck finishing up school!

  3. Glad your life is looking happier! And that school is almost over! Yay for free time. You can go to quilting heaven. That's super cool you bought a YUDU machine--what all will you use it for? Is it just a little one? I'm excited to see how it works. Will it do silk screening like on YC/girls camp shirts where it stays well, or will it be like our jericho road/other shirts that fall apart after a few washes? That's exciting that you got a new client at the spartanfest. I miss you!

