Saturday, August 15, 2009

New relatives, quilting and Nationals tickets

The good--
1. We are related to the Sherrills in our ward. Well, kind of. Trent and Lyndi are here for her sister Anita's wedding. Anita married Michael Bowman (his parents are in a ward in our stake....). Turns out that Michael's younger sister is married to Ben Sherrill. Small world. This was discovered when Katie, Natalie, Jenna and Molly went to the temple to babysit Trent and Lyndi's girls while they attended the wedding. They kept seeing members of our stake arrive at the temple for a wedding. Eventually they realized that the stake members wedding and Trent and Lyndi's wedding was the SAME wedding!
2. I have been a busy beaver at the sewing machine this week. I made a beautiful quilt (wedding gift) for our friend, John Webster and his wife, Ellen. I designed the pattern from some ideas I have seen, figured out how to transfer the ideas drawn on graph paper into a quilt and then did it. This is not a strength of mine, so I am proud of myself. And just because I can, yesterday I decided to make Trent/Lyndi and the girls a quilt--picnic quilt--before they left. So I finished that today. Jean fabric with lots of colors of bandana fabric. Simple but cute. And I stitched each family member's names onto the jean squares. Finally, Bryce and I wrote a poem for the tag.
3. I have spent another 10+hours reorganizing and cleaning the basement, particularly Allie's old room. I dont even dread heading down to the basement any more. I actually look forward to spending time getting rid of more stuff and organizing more areas. This wont last long I'm sure. :o)

the Bad--

1. I only got 3 1/2 hours of sleep on Thursday night. And I just cannot seem to recover, even sleeping properly since then. I am getting old. And I feel a lot older than I actually am.

2. I nearly bought Nationals tickets for next Thursday night. The whole family is free and we love going to baseball games as a family, so we thought we would go. But I couldnt get the right combination of price and seats, so I put it off. Good thing I put it off! I forgot that 3 members of the family have Demi Levato concert tickets that night! Now I have to find another night that everyone can go. Wish me luck. It's a nearly impossible task, I fear.

3. We only have one week left with college kids. Monday the 24th, Connor starts medical school. Jenna and Natalie fly back to Utah. The following Monday, I start back to school (long term sub, starting the school year, until Nov.) Summer is about over. I am not ready. I already miss the relaxed pace.


  1. i cant believe you look forward to cleaning in the basement! ewww!

    i can't believe the summer is about over either. im not ready to go back.

  2. You need to post pictures of the quilts - I am dying to see them (especially Trent and Lyndi's - it sounds adorable)

