Sunday, March 14, 2010

Exciting times

The worst--

1. My headaches are back in full force. Everyday. And I recently did something to my back so that it hurts all the time, I cant stand up straight a lot, and I am limited in my activities. I really shouldnt complain, since so many people have it so much worse, but really, it's my blog and I can whine and complain if I want, right?

2. I am trying to dejunk the computer room. But there are things that have been there for 10-15 years. Where do I put everything? What do I get rid of? AAAAHHHH

3. Sometimes I weary, worrying about my kids. I wish that when they turned 18 or something, you could stop worrying. But you cant. So I continue.

The Best--
There are so many this entry! And it is impossible to try to order them, so they are in random order.

1. With two of my friends, I am opening a quilting store, A Quilter's Retreat. We are very excited and overwhelmed. We hope to open the beginning of August, although July is a possibility.

2. Speaking of July, Natalie became engaged this weekend. She is getting married on July 2nd, here in the Washington DC temple. Kenny Barlow seems like an exceptional guy and we are super excited for them. Everywhere I go, I think "wedding reception" and look out for ideas.

3. Speaking of August, Katie is due with our first grandchild in August! She has an ultrasound scheduled the beginning of April , and we hope to find out if it is a boy or girl. Then I can start making a baby quilt(s). No one will let me have my grandkids call me granny. I thought that would be so fun. I will have to settle for grandma. boring.

4. Not sure if this is best or worst. Jenna has decided to drive home this April, instead of flying. So I guess I am driving across country with her. We will stop at Cara and Barry's the first night, and hopefully Dan and Val's the second night. That will be super fun. The long driving days will not be super fun.

5. I finished the 4 quilts for my mom. Tags, binding, everything. They are ready to send off. Now I am making 4 quilts for a dear friend in the ward. Her adult daughter caught the flu last year and died 3 days later. She left behind a grieving husband and 3 little boys. I am making cuddly quilts for the 3 boys (nearly done with the tops), and a quilt for the dad. All to be ready for the Maya anniversary of her passing.

6. Plus I have about 4-5 quilts I need to quilt for pay. Yikes this is becoming a nearly full time job. (Not leaving a lot of time for household chores....maybe this should be under worst.....)

All in all, a pretty exciting couple of weeks!


  1. I'll let my kids call you granny!

  2. Yay! I didn't know you were coming too! That will be so much fun! Even if you are just exhausted and only want to sleep here. :) It will still be fun to see you guys! :)

  3. WHOA. You are one busy person! It's a really good think you like quilting! :)

  4. First of all - I think Granny suits you - it's cute! Second of all - A quilt shop will be your paradies - what a great job for you! Third - Congrats to Natalie - how exciting to be planning a wedding! Fourth - rent a few books on tape for the long car ride - mysteries are always fun! Fifth - WE'RE EXCITED TO SEE YOU IN APRIL! ZUPA'S...HERE WE COME!! :)

