Sunday, February 14, 2010


1-We finally saw a snow plow. After nearly a week, our street was plowed. Now, dont think that this means the street is now clear. But the top 20 or so inches was cleared. And it also meant that a 4 foot by 3 foot wall was dumped in front of our carefully shoveled driveway. Because we went out every 6 or so hours during the storms, and shoveled about 6 inches each time, our walk ways and driveway were pretty clear. On Friday, we ventured out into the world.

2- During the storms I made 5 quilt tops. One small wall quilt and 4 large queen tops for my mother (to give to home teachers, friends, etc.) Now I need to put them on the longarm and quilt them. Here is the pic of the wall quilt--a replica of the Washington DC stamp. Sorry it's sideways. I dont know how to fix that. :o)

3-Allie moved home yesterday. Some conflicts with her landlord/friend/roommate that they couldnt resolve. So until she finds another place in her price range, she is home. It will be nice to have her around.

4- We have church today. (Shortened because the wards cannot overlap while the parking lot snow piles take up a quarter of the spaces). We have had church cancelled twice recently for the snows, so it will be nice to be there. It was supposed to be stake conference (the satellite broadcast to the stakes on the east coast), but they were all cancelled because of the weather.

5- I have joined our ward's The Biggest Loser contest. We are all on teams, and the team that loses the most percentage weight, wins. We get the support of each other, the motivation to lose, but NO public weigh-ins wearing tight yoga pants and sports bras. ICK. Hopefully joining this group will motivate me. I am going to try to get some of the participating ladies to walk with me in the mornings. Exercise is what I need.

1- Because of all the shoveling, my back is constantly sore. Sometimes just sore, sometimes extremely painful. Heating pads, medicine and my shiatsu massaging chair are all used constantly.

2- Allie's boxes are all in our living room, piled against one wall. Looks terrible. But we dont really have a place to store them. I will clean out a section of the playroom downstairs and put them there, probably this week, but I really dont want do it. Hard to get motivated.

3-Molly and Allie both want the premier bedroom in the house (Natalie's room.) Molly uses it as a second bedroom and as a "friend room" to goof off and watch movies when her friends are here. But Allie will be there as soon as I can move Molly without creating a major disturbance.

4- Because of the 10 foot by 6 foot snow walls completely lining our streets, we have no parking anywhere. We have to cram 3 cars into our driveway, then anytime anyone needs a car, we all have to go move the other cars. So irritating. This is already old, old, old. But we dont expect the snow to melt before late spring. Great.

5- Tomorrow is President's Day and the kids in our county have to go to school as a snow make up day. I told Molly she didn't have to go, but in the end we decided that making up a missed day of work wasn't worth it, so she will go.

I think that's all. I am trying to enjoy yesterday, today and tomorrow. Not only is that a generally good idea, but a snow storm is coming on Monday night and just thinking of more snow is making me cry.


  1. That quilt it amazing - I love it! Sounds like you've had your fair share of snow - glad it's you and not me! :)

  2. I loved this post. Mommy, you are the best.

