It seems that the WORST leads to the BEST this entry. So I wont separate them. I'll add quilts at the end, especially if the computer will let me add pictures today.
We are in the cold capital of the world. Usually the DC area is pretty mellow for December. But one of the largest snowstorms ever happened on Dec 19th. And still now, some of the snow hasnt melted. Its been just too cold.
The 19th, the first day of the snow, Katie and Connor were supposed to fly out to Utah to spend Xmas with his family. But every airport closed, every flight cancelled. So 12 hours and 22 inches later, it was Sunday morning, the 20th. Church was cancelled. Everything was closed. Streets impassible. But we got up, shoveled driveway, cars out, sidewalks and a passway to the main street. And Bryce and I drove Katie and Connor to BWI Airport. Yes, BWI. It was crazy. But we made it. And with all the cancelled flights, for some reason, theirs was not cancelled and wasnt even late. So they got home to Utah. YAY.
The day before (the 18th), Allie came over (she lives close), and the rest of the girls were here, so we had a family Xmas dinner, opened gifts to and from Katie and Connor and had a really nice family time. Then the next day, since we were all snowed in, we played games, watched movies and helped neighbors dig out of the snow. (Especially neighbors who were widows, ill, etc.) It’s a good time to do service. After returning from the airport on Sunday, we helped shovel walks of widows and the like in the ward, the ward building walkways, neighbors again, etc. We were really really sore on Monday.
Natalie and Jenna are back at school. Jenna is taking a few GE classes and an ASL class. She has a 20 hour a week job from 12-4 m-f. How perfect is that? Natalie graduated in December (Math ed major) She is looking for jobs and interviewing whenever she can. She is anxious to start earning money because her savings are dwindling with lots of expenses and no income. I miss them.
Allie's car, Wilson, is about dead. It still drives in the horrible way it always did, but now it wont pass inspection (exhaust leak) and the repairs will cost about 6 times what she paid for it. So we've been looking for a car and found a beauty yesterday. 2003 Toyota Corolla only about 77.000 miles. Nice shape. We pick it up on Monday. Now she needs to find a better paying job so she can start earning more than her meager living expenses. (She wiped out her savings to buy the car.)
I have made about 9 quilts recently. I tried a dozen times to add pics, but it wont let me. I finally allowed one picture. The rest, check out my facebook where i put pictures of nearly all my quilts.